Elite 1:1 Coaching

Elite 1:1 Coaching Are you tired of feeling like your health concerns are being brushed aside with generic advice? Ready to uncover real solutions to your persistent issues? If so, you've come to the right place.

In my exclusive 12-week personalized coaching program, we embark on a comprehensive journey to address the root of your health challenges.

Through in-depth lab work and meticulous analysis of your health history, we uncover the underlying factors influencing your well-being. This enables us to craft a tailored health program precisely suited to your individual needs.

We leave no stone unturned, addressing every aspect of your lifestyle, including dietary and nutritional requirements, sleep patterns, exercise routines, stress management techniques, and supplementation tailored to your body's specific deficiencies and requirements.

At the heart of our approach lies the belief that food is not merely fuel, but a potent tool for holistic healing.

We empower our clients with the knowledge to select the right foods for their bodies, prepare them in a health-conscious manner, and cultivate sustainable eating habits that promote long-term vitality and wellness.If you are ready for your own  transformative journey and experience a level of well-being you haven't felt in years I want to invite you to book your health consultation now by clicking the button below.


What Are Our

Customers Saying ?

One of the reasons that I finally went with Lizzie is that she orders extensive lab work that gives her a better picture of what is going on with your entire body underneath the cover. She suggests supplements and foods that will help you to correct the imbalances that you have going on that are making you feel poorly and hindering your health. I even ran her suggestions by my naturopathic doctor, and she agreed with everything she had suggested.

You will not get these labs from your normal family doctor. They are far more in-depth and her interest is not in getting you on multiple prescriptions to manage your symptoms. Her interest is to help you to discover what is going on and then recover from it. She wants to get you feeling better as soon as possible so you can start moving forward.

Rhianna D.

​​Working with Lizzie over the past 12 weeks has truly been life-changing.

I am 36 years old and despite eating healthy and working out I was suffering from terrible stomach aches, acne, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, and an autoimmune disorder: Hashimoto's with hypothyroid.

I completed extensive labs, started the correct supplements, began a different workout routine, and dug deep to figure out the cause of my autoimmune disorder.

The changes I have made both mentally and physically we're not easy. There was a lot of sweat and tears. But in the end, I feel better every day and can honestly say the majority of my symptoms have gone away.

Laurel K.


Do I need a gym membership?

No you do not. All workout plans can be crafted to either be done at home or at the gym. 

Does Insurance cover labs?

Unfortunately no but that is ok. I have tailored my pricing and programs in a way that allows you to have an all in one package deal when you work with me.

Do I have to diet?

Here at Undiet You we don’t use the word dieting or bandwagon. The only time someone may be on a diet is for specific healing purposes but that is meant to be short term. Otherwise we are focusing on learning how to fuel and nourish the body in a healthy sustainable manner.